What type of couch potato do you have inside? Discover the facts that you don't know about yourself and have some fun.


How come that we all have a bit of couch potato inside? Read our manifesto and find out more about our projects.


How to make use of your inner couch potato and change your life? Use our toolkit to do the first step for a better future.

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Our Videos and Courses

We want you to learn how to live with your inner couch potato. This is why we provide you with videos, tutorials, and webinars that can help you do the first step towards a better future.

What is it all about?

We believe that everyone has his inner couch potato inside. There are many things on our list “to do never” and our ultimate inspiration is a deadline. We can’t do the first step even though we know that it’s the most important. Learn more about couch potato project and read our manifesto.

important rules


couch potato types

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From Our Blog

Inspiration is something we need on a daily basis. Read our blog and inspire yourself.